Friday, August 3, 2012

On Missing....

So one of my favorite guitarists in one of my favorite bands got married. He wrote a book. I bought it. We're facebook friends. He's into philosophy too. And I think he's the most brilliant writer ever. I'll leave him nameless.


He just got married recently and someone posted this letter he wrote to his wife to read before she walked down the aisle. It's too sweet for me not to share, but I will just post an excerpt (the very end of the letter) relevant to what I'm going to write about.

"It couldn't have been anyone else. I knew things would change. Missing you from the road was different, more difficult than anything you could imagine. Before you, when I 'missed' something or someone, it always reaffirmed that I was doing exactly what I should be doing, it reaffirmed my decision to be on tour. Although missing you from the road was a reminder that I was away from what I needed. Being away from you is a foreign, strange feeling that doesn't feel right at all. I hope that makes sense."

Okay, I know that is cute. But what stuck with me in the letter is that sometimes missing can reaffirm that we are right where we need to be. I don't think 'missing' always has to be a bad feeling.

Right now, I miss a lot of things: Williamsburg. The friends I made in graduate school. My old running routes. My old jobs! A schedule. A plan. I miss the sense of stability from the way things used to be. But you know what? Discomfort means growth and change is good. It means our lives are not stagnant. Which.....if there is anything I hate worse than change, it is probably the idea that things will NEVER change.

So there are a lot of things I feel like I'm missing now, but it re-affirms to me that I am right where I need to be....I may not be on the road, but I am feel like I've stepped into this kind of transient life. For right now, that's okay. Because it means I'm moving, I'm not stuck, and I'm headed for something exciting!

I hope that makes sense.

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