Over the course of the past couple of weeks or so, D.C. remembered it was winter and decided to make up for this by becoming unbearably cold. Part of me knows that there has to be somewhere colder in the world that exists. I know that, yet I don't really believe it.
To survive in this new frigid world, I've had to learn some strategies for dressing myself that maximize warmth out in the cold, but are easy to transition to indoors so that I don't burn up. Because of this, I have found a new appreciation for the following items:
- Knee socks. Wear over leggings/under boots for extra warmth. You can also layer ankle socks underneath.
- Leggings (fleece-lined). Once you wear fleece-lined leggings you may never want to wear anything else.
http://www.bodybelle.com/Fleece-Lined-Tights-p/55793.htm |
- Winter running tights. On a really cold running day, I will even layer these under normal leggings.
http://www.golite.com/Ws-Rogue-Valley-Thermal-Tight-P761.aspx |
- Running pull-overs with thumb-holes. Favorite brands for these= Under Armour, Lucy, Lululemon. It's a running top with built-in hand warmers! I'm also wearing long-sleeve shirts under everything. Don't make the top layer do all of the work.
http://www.thisnext.com/item/590CF09B/lululemon-athletica-Run-Alpine |
- Ear-warmers. Crucial for runs.
The Reebok ear headband that Mike's sister got me for Christmas! |
- Tea! Coffee! I cannot get enough coffee and tea these days, but since I don't want to overdose on caffeine, I've switched to herbal teas and hot chocolates after 2pm. This has really done wonders for my sleep schedule! I normally wake up a few times during the night, but almost always sleep perfectly through the night when I've limited my caffeine that day.
- Wrist-warmers. My sister got me some of these for Christmas and I couldn't think of how or why to wear them until this winter. Now I need them. They are especially good for when I'm driving in a freezing car that has yet to heat up (but I, of course, put the heat on full blast hoping that will help it warm more quickly).
http://www.etsy.com/listing/107296624/crochet-wrist-warmers-fingerless-wrist |
- Boots. Boots are all I've been wearing, especially my rain boots with all of this wet weather and snow. Because my rain boots aren't insulated very well, I'm sure to layer lots of socks and leggings underneath!
- Scarves and gloves. Mike has a friend who knitted him a scarf like this (but in a dark green shade) and I've basically
stolen borrowed it for the winter. It is so comfy and I can scrunch it up to cover some of my face if things get windy outside. Also, my hands are always cold. Always cold. So in the winter they needs tons of love in the form of gloves and lotion.
http://www.loveitsomuch.com/stores/crochet-circle-scarf-infinity-scarf-in-dark-purple,58588.html |
- Big hair. I've been embracing my big hair lately. It looks a lot like this girl's hair when I don't straighten it and let it air dry. I think my hair tends to get static-y if I attempt to tame it during the winter, but I've also recognized that my voluminous waves can also help keep me warm!
via Pinterest |
I've been drinking so much tea / coffee / hot chocolate lately since it's cold an snowy in Ohio. Also I think maybe I should invest in some fleece-lined leggings... thoughts???