Last week was Spring Break for the law students and Mike had a week reserved at his grandparent's beach house in South Carolina. Because I was magically able to use my vacation time during the middle of the semester (of course, this means no break during the summer), I got to attend the full week! Other attendees included: Dan, Absi, Brian, Kay, Josh, Mike, Beau, Sara, Jeff.
In no particular order, events that consumed beach week:
- Tennis
- Mike and I did get to play tennis while we were at the beach! We actually played a set and I lost 6-1:( OF COURSE Mike is good at tennis, too. For someone who is not into sports at all, the kid is pretty athletic.
- Starbucks
- With the only really stable wifi signal, I ended up hanging out at Starbucks a lot doing
work gchatting with Kay. Bonus points when they played the Lion King soundtrack in the background.
- Running
- I didn't run all that much, but when I did, it was glorious and warm!
- Seafood
- We ate at Nance's and the Fish House which have become traditions of the beach trip. The Fish House owner wins the southern hospitality award. People from the South are all so nice even if all so not politically correct. He gave us free pirate eye patches and told us an elaborate story about a preserved Native American canoe that was hanging in his restaurant. See pics.
- Brookgreen Gardens
- Saw all the statues, Mike pressed all the buttons. I pet some horses. Josh made friends with an Egret. Beautiful! Also, when we went back to see the labyrinth, I knew what to expect (having had to take a class involving meditative labyrints during my counseling program). Clearly, everyone else thought it was going to be a maze like from the Goblet of Fire and was a little let down.
- Grilling
- Brian is the best ever at grilling and Chicken Parmesan! Jeff also made hamburgers. Outside of the grilling, we still managed to eat like 5 casseroles that Mike's grandmother had provided for us.
- Shopping
- Went shopping at Tanger outlets and I found love in Banana Republic with this guy named Andrew who I asked for help with one skirt and he brought me back 5 different outfit options. Everything he brought to me was in my size. Crazy! He also helped me to break out of my matchy matchy comfort zone and Sara approved my purchases. Shopping in the South is soooo much better than further North.
- Bond/CardsagainstHumanity/Poker
- Casino Royale won at Bond, Jeff won at Cards against Humanity, and I won at Poker:)
Argh! Pirate Kay:) |
Josh and the creepy Egret at the marshland aviary. |
Getting the canoe at the Fish House explained to us! VIP! |
Reflecting at the labyrinth.
Now....back to the real world.
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