Monday, May 13, 2013

Sometimes words are hard.

Maybe it's because most of my Mays have been full of exams or job-searching or maybe it's because I have this sympathetic anxiety for Mike's enduring exam period, but April and May have felt very stressful for me. I don't have the words for why, but I can say that I haven't done a very good job of this living in the moment thing I've been working on. That's okay. The struggle is part of the story and I think I'd be missing a crucial part of the lesson and story if mindfulness came easy.

I'm going through a spring cleaning where I'm giving away and donating things to charity that I don't need because I've realized that too many things can make living a simpler and more mindful lifestyle harder. Spring always feels like a fresh start and I think filling our life with more meaningful things and less "stuff that takes up space" can hold true for the time in our days too. Here's an article I like about this concept: Perhaps this is why I'm also drawn to tiny houses. Sometimes less is more.

Anyway here are pictures from the past few weeks with the story behind each. 

My first Nats game. Forecast was for thunderstorms, but the sun eventually
won in a battle against the clouds and rain.

Rupert as I'm trying to work.

PR-ed in a 5K one weekend with 24:44 and one of my students was the guest speaker! She received transitional housing for her and her daughter form Turning Point Center as she was completing her degree.

I just love this picture and petal confetti.

Handmade dress at Eastern Market that I loved. 

My favorite chocolate ever. It's super spicy. I'm going to have to go to Whole Foods for this.

"Mr. Rupert": a drink at Ted's Bulletin where Sara, Jeff, Mike, and I went for dinner one night. They have "adult milkshakes."

Successful playdate between Rupert and Harper. No cats were harmed. Only minimal harm to humans. 

Mike found out I had a recorder (it was my grandfather's) and this "study session" immediately turned into me forcing Mike to play various songs by ear.

Pretty Cherry Blossom picture on The Catholic University of America's campus.

The National Shrine of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. It's very near to my house and I went in the other weekend on a whim. There are no words to describe how beautiful it is. I've always taken pictures of the outside when I walk by, but wow. I have to take Mike with me one day.


ALSO: This is a short and pretty spot-on post regarding what I wrote about in my last post. I'm also just going to copy and paste it here because they are such good words to start the week with:)

As you start this week, remember to be all here, in the presence of this week, these days, this hour right now. May you remember to not see your children, your daily work, or whatever you’re called to cultivate, as interruptions to your day. May you remember that they are your day.
When life is a bit mundane, or even a bit—shall we say, character-building, resist the temptation to think things would be better if it were just next week, next year, when the kids are older, when you’re in a different city, when you graduate, when you’ve painted that room, once you’ve gotten into shape, when you’ve crossed that thing off your bucket list.
As things flow your way this week, find the courage to listen to that still small voice and learn from what life gives you. Right here, right now. Let the simple liturgies of your day teach you things. And may you be all there as you learn them.
Remember, the grass isn’t greener on the other sideIt’s greener where you water it.
This weekend is graduation and I'll be extremely busy. I have a four day weekend over Memorial Day weekend, though, so I am excited for that! Have a great week, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. It's supposed to finally get hot tomorrow! And I'll be in DC next year!!!! Life will be so great so soon!!!!!
