One of my favorite bloggers recently posted a list of ways to make the most of September. She does one for every month, but this month I was really inspired by how her list fit some of my own personal goals for this month:
1) Streamline.
I REALLY need to clean out my closet, donate some items, consign some others, and make space in my life for the person I am becoming. Holding onto clothes from college that I don't wear anymore seems less practical every day.
2) Sign up for a new class or fall fitness event.
Mike and I signed up for a 10K in October. I would like to ACTUALLY train for this one...meaning run more than 3 miles before the race day. (<<Hold me to this, MJ!) I would also like to make time for different group fitness classes, including zumba, kickboxing, and yoga.
3) Determine your personal abundance block, and brainstorm strategies to turn over a new leaf this fall.
I realized the other day that I have a really hard time focusing due to trying to do too many things at once. I kept asking Mike to diagnose why my computer was so slow and he ended up telling me it was because I had two different google chromes profiles with no less than 8 tabs each open, as well as 7 different applications running on my computer at once. I cannot multi-task and I'd like to simplify my work computer this month in order to simplify my thought process.
4) Enjoy an outdoor dinner party, long walk or picnic.
September has turned out to be pretty humid and hot so far in DC!, but Mike is so awesome at grilling that I'd like to take advantage of that for as long as possible before it gets cool out. I'd also like to try hiking nearby one day.
5) Join a cheering squad.
This time of year is really stressful at my job and sometimes it's really easy to get caught up in 'busy' without stopping to recognize the achievements of my coworkers and students. I'd like to make more time to show appreciation for others.
6) Hit up the farmers market and make a new recipe with your findings.
I love farmer's markets during the Fall and heard we have a good one near us. I'd like to explore what it has the offer.
7) Make this cornbread
I want to make it with chili too! Football, cornbread, and chili are perfect together:)
8) I didn't want to follow Gina's fitness calendar, so my #8 is going to be "learning something new".
I'm using Duolingo, Memrise, and some quick study guides to learn Spanish. Hopefully, I can talk with my sister, mom, and students to practice!
9) Plan a date night.
I'd love to have a farmer's market date, try out some new restaurants near us, see some more movies, and cook more....both with friends and with Mike.
10) New candle.
I'd love a new fall-scented candle!
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