Monday, January 28, 2013

What to Wear During an Arctic Blast

Over the course of the past couple of weeks or so, D.C. remembered it was winter and decided to make up for this by becoming unbearably cold. Part of me knows that there has to be somewhere colder in the world that exists. I know that, yet I don't really believe it.

To survive in this new frigid world, I've had to learn some strategies for dressing myself that maximize warmth out in the cold, but are easy to transition to indoors so that I don't burn up. Because of this, I have found a new appreciation for the following items:

  • Knee socks. Wear over leggings/under boots for extra warmth. You can also layer ankle socks underneath.

  • Leggings (fleece-lined). Once you wear fleece-lined leggings you may never want to wear anything else.

  • Winter running tights. On a really cold running day, I will even layer these under normal leggings.

  • Running pull-overs with thumb-holes. Favorite brands for these= Under Armour, Lucy, Lululemon. It's a running top with built-in hand warmers! I'm also wearing long-sleeve shirts under everything. Don't make the top layer do all of the work.

  • Ear-warmers. Crucial for runs.
The Reebok ear headband that Mike's sister got me for Christmas!

  • Tea! Coffee! I cannot get enough coffee and tea these days, but since I don't want to overdose on caffeine, I've switched to herbal teas and hot chocolates after 2pm. This has really done wonders for my sleep schedule! I normally wake up a few times during the night, but almost always sleep perfectly through the night when I've limited my caffeine that day.
  • Wrist-warmers. My sister got me some of these for Christmas and I couldn't think of how or why to wear them until this winter. Now I need them. They are especially good for when I'm driving in a freezing car that has yet to heat up (but I, of course, put the heat on full blast hoping that will help it warm more quickly).

  • Boots. Boots are all I've been wearing, especially my rain boots with all of this wet weather and snow. Because my rain boots aren't insulated very well, I'm sure to layer lots of socks and leggings underneath!

  • Scarves and gloves. Mike has a friend who knitted him a scarf like this (but in a dark green shade) and I've basically stolen borrowed it for the winter. It is so comfy and I can scrunch it up to cover some of my face if things get windy outside. Also, my hands are always cold. Always cold. So in the winter they needs tons of love in the form of gloves and lotion.,58588.html

  • Big hair. I've been embracing my big hair lately. It looks a lot like this girl's hair when I don't straighten it and let it air dry. I think my hair tends to get static-y if I attempt to tame it during the winter, but I've also recognized that my voluminous waves can also help keep me warm!
via Pinterest

Monday, January 21, 2013

Twenty-Six! Everything has changed!

So a couple of weeks ago, I turned 26. Shockingly, my world didn't end. Instead, I got to have kebabs and TWO different kinds of cake (because it was Josh's birthday too) and tons of wine and celebrate with my best of friends. Jeff even let me use his house for this get-together because they have a grill and it's awesome! Kebab grilling is usually reserved for the beach, but Mike said it was okay to do it because it was a special occasion. Oh, the grilled corn tastes like summer. We also ate versions of kebabs for the two days after my birthday.

Josh and I even spent some time planning future joint birthdays:

10:14 AM 

  okay that will be our 30th birthday party then
  only junk food, only netflix, waiting for death
10:19 AM :)
10:22 AM Josh: Indeed.

Notable weekend adventures since the birthday:

  • The weekend before this past one, Mike and I got dinner with his mom at National Harbor which is super glitzy and schmancy. I was so excited to go to a sushi place because I have been constantly craving it since seeing Jiro Dream of Sushi on Netflix. (We actually had sashimi, but same difference.)
  • Mike, Kellex (whoops that's what I call Kelly and Alex sometimes, forgive me), and I got brunch at Sixth Engine. (Kelly is always reading about awesome brunch places on this one blog and here is their review of Sixth Engine.) We always have such an awesome time brunching with Kelly and Alex. They really know how to do it right. Kelly and I both ordered the omelette, Alex ordered the Duck Confit Scrapple, and Mike got the Short Rib Hash. All were awesome. I wasn't planning on ordering a cocktail, but they looked like they did cocktails really well and the waiter told me this (perfectly executed) story about how their Bloody Mary changed his life, so I had to order one. I was glad I did. I would venture to say their cocktails were even better executed than the food. I kind of want to go back and test that theory.
  • Mike and I went to see his friend in a renaissance dinner theater show called Medieval Madness. Old town Alexandria is so beautiful at night! The Renaissance Hall is a small business created and operated by a former veteran. All shows were sold out except for 9pm and I was so hungry by that time that I had no problem with the 'eat with your hands' part. The food was excellent: raspberry meade, rolls, cinnamon carrots, roast beef, chicken, and pound cake! The show was really fun, but I will say that it is probably more fun if you go with a larger group because seating is hall-style.
  • An 8-mile run/walk on the day before the inauguration. DC was so full and it was a bob-and-weave game, but Mike and I ran to Lincoln, TJ, and the Capitol. We even heard an artist rehearsing for the inauguration. Still trying to keep up my half-marathon training.
Now on to all of the pictures!

Brunch at Sixth Engine with our "Grown-Up Hot Chocolate" with spiced whipped-cream. Yum!

"Mike, look like you're excited for the renaissance show!"

I was supposed to make pancakes, but thank goodness Noah helped! We got pancakes and art! (The idea was that the surprise pancake smiley face would make Mike happy!)

A heartfelt Happy Birthday message on Mike's iPad which I've named Mickey (Doctor Who reference). 

Rupe being adorable and cuddly as always.

Mike found a hat and weights and this was the result.

So that's everything! I'm pretty much all caught up on holiday posts so hopefully my posts become more coherent and less a mish-mash of photos and events!


Saturday, January 12, 2013

My favorite holiday: NYE2012/3

After Christmas, I worked two days in DC before Mike and I left for backwoods Virginia to a cabin in the woods that we and some other friends from William and Mary had rented for the weekend. "Friends from William and Mary"? Hah, no, I need to call them something else. They are my WM family. Every year (has it been every single year since we graduated from college? I think so?) we get together for New Years Eve at some pre-determined and sometimes centralized location to welcome in the New Year together. The last time we were all together was at the #wuliawedding so I had been away from these people for far too long.

Back to the story....

Day 1:

Mike and I got severely ill (it was the cold from hell which had been going around DC apparently) right before we had to leave for the trip and so we stopped somewhere to stock up on airborne, dayquil, nyquil, and cough drops and then just popped chewable airbornes the whole drive down. When we arrived, we discovered that this 'cabin in the woods' was more like a 'mansion in the woods' complete with arcade-style video games, loft movie theater, fireplace, 6 bedrooms, hot tub, wraparound deck, and grill. Unfortunately, Mike and I were so sick the first night that most of it was a blur. I do remember laughing about how funny it was to be so ill when everyone around us was so full of energy and cheer. I also remember the amazing dinner waiting for us as soon as we got there. There was a couple assigned to each meal and the first night was ham steak, mac and cheese, marinated vegetables, and apple with a sweet yogurt dip courtesy of the Blesers (Wulia)!

Pic taken from the first night when everyone was dressed up as hipsters and Mike and I were sickly. I was downing hot chocolate to stay alert. 

Day 2: New Year's Eve Eve!

Woke up feeling much better, but I don't think it has anything to do with how we were woken up.

Everyone in the house was woken up to the "Circle Of Life" from the Lion King being blared at the highest volume level achievable through each person's door. A personalized wake-up call from Jake/Kelly/Alex for Day 2. After groaning and moaning and then finally accepting defeat, everyone woke up to a breakfast of crepes (both savory and sweet!) from Jake and Sladky. I managed to take a picture because I was just so in awe of the homemade crepes.

Mike (wearing my Redskins hat that Wulia got me!!) with the crepe spread.
Dinner was homemade chicken chili from Kelly and Alex. The boys played Munchkin (which can be compared to Dungeons and Dragons concerning its level of nerdiness), while the girls watched football (defying stereotypes here). We also dressed up as literary characters for that night's theme. I was Hermione! Then Kelly and I proceeded to have a Mary-Kate and Ashley photoshoot with the Christmas tree and we all danced to Call Me Maybe and Audiostrobelight.
Kylie was Cheshire Cat. Cohen was, you know, that little kid. Sladky was Huck Finn, I think.
Hermione and Rigby! (Jake's dog)

From our photo shoot. I just don't know what else can be said. It needed to be posted somewhere.

Day 3: New Year's Eve!

Brunch from Kylie and Cohen was cheesy eggs, toast, and bacon egg cups (like the ones on Pinterest!). Dinner was ordered pizza. We got all dressed up for New Year's Eve, played Boom (obviously), and made many amaretto hot chocolates. We also played a game called 17 which I forget how to play, but it wasn't that bad. There was something about a red coat and complimenting people.
Mike and I being weird after we changed out of our dress up clothes. I'm just loving the casual stuffed black bear in the background.

The boys being responsible and cleaning up the night before we had to leave. 
Day 4: New Year's Day!

Mike and I were in charge of the last brunch and prepared a sausage casserole. We all packed up, cleaned, and said our last goodbyes before heading in different directions. Mike and I stopped to see my sister, mom, and stepdad in northern virginia on the way back to DC. We opened presents, ate cookies, and watched two episodes of Downton Abbey with my youngest sister! I'm going to add "willing to watch two hours of Downton Abbey (a show he has never seen before and we still had a 1.5 hour drive back to the city) with my sister and I" to the list of things I love about Mike Johnson. [Edit: Since New Year's Day, Mike has been hooked on Downton Abbey and has started watching Season 3 with me.]

Perfectly broiled sausage casserole!

Next update will be about my birthday and adjusting to getting back to work.!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

All I Wanted for Christmas

I remember at the beginning of the Christmas season being really stressed out about not being able to get everything on my Christmas bucket list done. There were so many presents to wrap, movies to watch, and baked goods to bake. However, I was more afraid of not living in the moment and taking in every experience to the fullest than of not doing everything perfectly.

After working two days in DC post-NYC trip, Mike and I set off for Christmas in North Carolina with his family. I felt extremely welcome by every one of Mike's family members. Some of my favorite memories of the trip:
  • Wrapping all of the presents in the back of the car including a very large cotton candy machine that Mike thought was fitting for his sister. 
  • A toffee Mike's mom makes with caramel, chocolate, and saltine crackers. It's phenomenal.
  • Watching Love Actually on Christmas Eve and Mike quoting lines from the movie the rest of the weekend.
  • A photo shoot with Mike's sister after we opened matching pajamas on Christmas Eve.
  • Listening to Mike's grandma explain how she can manage to get 12 dishes for one meal all done and ready at the same time. I am in awe of her.
  • Meeting Mike's god-parents and being welcomed into the most warm, southern home ever. (I was also sent home with a plate full of desserts.)
  • Eating at a local brunch spot in Chapel Hill and introducing Mike's mom and sister to grits with butter, pepper, and sugar. Even better when free:)
  • Les Miserables! (summary: it is worth dealing with the Russell Crowe for the Hugh Jackman).
And here are some pictures:

Yeah. I'm really bad at photo shoots.

PJ pic!

Christmas Day.

Tomorrow is my birthday! I can't believe I'm going to be 26. Seriously. But 25 has been so great to me and I can't wait for what 26 has in store. I love that my birthday only comes 3 days after a new year.

Get excited for New Years and birthday updates coming up!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The past few weeks have been the most marvelous whirlwind. I will probably post several blogs over the next week to devote the appropriate amount of attention to each adventure. Trying to be patient with myself as I play catch-up!

First up: NYC.

Mike's Christmas present to me was a trip to New York City: a place I have never been before. He had planned for us to see a Broadway show and to experience the city in the two days following the finish of his exams and preceding our trip to celebrate Christmas with his family in North Carolina. 

We left DC Saturday morning on a bus. There were some good and bad things about this bus trip to NYC. We were blessed to be able to sit by (I really don't think I'm exaggerating) the absolute cutest baby in the world. A 5-month old baby boy and his parents sat in the seat across from us for the entire trip and whenever he was alert and not nestled passed out in a blanket he would stare at us making faces and smiling, trying to figure us out. He was the most well-behaved little boy and we didn't have the easiest trip! Our bus had two issues (one mechanical and one switching drivers) which led us to being 2 hours late into the city!

When we finally made it, we had just enough time eat and stop by our hotel (which Mike found on Priceline and looked like something you might see in a movie about Christmas in NYC) before heading to the Broadway show. I was so excited to see "Newsies!" because Kelly loves it and that's a pretty good indicator of things I will like. I still had no idea how much I would love it! My favorite parts were the lead actor and the choreography and just the energy of the show and audience. My least favorite parts were the way some supporting roles were acted. Overall, I swear I could see the show over and over and still come away with a huge smile! This is where Mike was introduced to Post-Broadway Kels, a lot like Post-Running Kels.

Spinach Roll and Hawaiian Pizza for first NYC dinner

After the show, we walked to Times Square and went into Sephora where I bought makeup (it was open until 1am!!) and Toys R' Us where we played for like an hour. Then we went to Papaya Dog where we got hot dogs and a mango slushie that Mike insisted he liked and bought some framboise lambic, a favorite raspberry beer. 

Times Square! Where the ball drops.
Me next to the T-Rex in the Jurassic Park section of Toys R' Us. 
Mike being a better Hulk than the Lego Hulk.
The next morning Mike and I went for a run in Central Park early. We had a bus out of the city at 7pm so we wanted to take as much of it in as possible. Well, running 6 miles will help with that (also it was in my half marathon training). We found the place where runners run in the park and didn't feel so weird as when we were running down the streets. Mike seemed to find every hill in the park and I made up a motto for him "Mike Johnson: Ne'er was there a hill he wouldn't assay". I think he liked it.

Getting back to the hotel, Mike told me he was going to take a shower and that he had ordered room service. I had never had room service before so I asked him what I was supposed to do and he said just answer the door. I thought it was funny because the night before we had been talking about how expensive room service was, but I just assumed he was really wanted to order room service. When the door rang and someone said "room service", I opened the door to find my sister Courtney (who lives in the city) standing in the doorway. After getting some information out of her, I found out that Mike had contacted her to meet up with us on our brief stay. Courtney had told me she was going to be home in VA for Christmas by that weekend, but apparently by entire family had been in on the surprise.

Courtney was actually leaving the city that afternoon to go home and so we had a brief brunch with her in the city at this place called The Pig, an Irish bar we'd stumbled upon. They actually had an awesome brunch with homefries galore and each brunch order came with a free brunch drink. The bloody mary was memorable. Courtney and Mike bonded over making fun of me for the same things and I was just in awe of how well Courtney knew the city and how much she has grown up there. 
A happy brunch!
Saying goodbye to Court. It was very windy.

After Courtney left, Mike and I went to the Top of Rockefeller Center so I could see the WHOLE city! Then we went to the bottom(?) of the Rock where Mike introduced me to Brookstone: a store with lots of cool and innovative things. We also saw the ice rink and Christmas tree and we witnessed a guy proposing to his girlfriend on the ice with everyone watching. So cute! Then we went to a market for a couple of hours to do some Christmas shopping and into a mall where Mike found ANOTHER Brookstone. :)
View of Central Park from the top of the Rock.

A nice lady offered to take a picture of us.

Just enough time for a nice Chinese food dinner of pan-fried noodles before getting on our bus back to DC thoroughly exhausted. What a wonderful introduction to The City That Never Sleeps:) I can't wait to go back! However, I do appreciate DC in a new way now:)

Last view of the Rockefeller tree before getting our bags from the hotel.