Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Poem for my Future Husband (and lots and lots of pictures)

Five days before the wedding, huh? You're probably thinking to yourself, "Kelsey is definitely freaking out." Well I am here to tell you that is not the case, oh no! I am extremely at peace for I have decided to channel all of my freaking out energy into writing my vows poetry. Don't ask me why. Don't question what is working for me. Just go with it.

"A Christmas Poem for my Future Husband"

I've made a list
I've checked it twice
You are naughty
I am nice

I've got my dress
My vows 'something blue' too
The one thing I need: 
You in your (dress) blues

In exactly 5 days
We'll tie the knot
So come back already!
I've saved you a spot 

(beside me)


Now on to the pictures!!!

Is there anything more adorable than a toddler all bundled for the winter? My bro-in-law is pretty cute to haha.

One of Ashton's presents from Mike and I (shh don't tell him). I had to ask a mom in Costco what a "2T" size meant. It means it's too big for Ashton now, but little Genius will grow into it:)

Took ALL self control not to buy Olaf from Costco.

The rings after they were all shined up by the jeweler! (Those are not my hands haha.)

Dinner out with the girls to celebrate the impending nuptials!

When I realized this was a restaurant of tiny plates, I had to take pictures of my ring beside some of the dishes for scale.

This didn't really help that much haha.

"The Kelsey" cocktail! Elderflower, champagne, rosemary, blueberry:)

FROZEN foie gras is the best!

Lobster soup.

Some sort of delicious earthy mushroom dish.

OMG dessert. On the far right is a homemade cinnamon marshmallow that puts anything else called marshmallow to shame.

A flight of desserts. My kind of place. 

With our waitress who we tried to convince to come out with us after.

The whole table (and Alex who accidentally got cropped out!)

My gift from Alex and Steph: my very own sailor outfit.

Remember when I told you I PR-d in my last 5k. Right behing me is the 12 year old I demolished by 1 second haha! The almost-28 year old in me rejoiced that I had not been bested by a pre-teen boy haha.

Note: Don't worry! The vows will get written!!!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Vignettes from ODS #3

Work Hard, Stay Humble

The first two days felt like two weeks. Part of that was because I had a cold and couldn't sleep at all the first two nights- partially because of nasal congestion, partially because of the steel-toed boots pounding the hallways every hour on the hour, and partially because I am almost certain they pipe in creepy noises just to mess with us. Eventually, though, I became sleep-deprived enough to ignore all of those things, and ever since then sleeping on top of my perfectly made bed has been easy and extraordinarily comfortable.

The next week and a half felt like another three weeks or so. Then the next week actually felt like a week. I have a feeling that these last two weeks will feel like one week put together.

Our chief, who is the most inspirational man in the world, has drilled many phrases into our heads that will elicit kneejerk responses upon prompting far into the future. My favorite is 'work hard, stay humble.' It has been the favorite of previous classes as well, as the phrase is plastered on at least three giant murals lining the walls.
Sometimes it is difficult, when I'm missing home and just want to get back to my normal 'life,' to remember to make the most of each day here. I am certain that I will look back on ODS as a once in a lifetime experience and I don't want to take it for granted. Lots of people would pay for this experience, I'm sure. It wasn't long ago that I was almost certain I would never get the opportunity to be here training for a job that I have wanted since I actually sat down and learned what jobs were available to lawyers. There are many, I know, who desperately wish they could be here with us.

I don't have a clever stinger ending for this one. Just work hard, stay humble. It's a solid phrase.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Vignettes from ODS #2

Hi Guys! Here is a little Monday treat to start off the week. I'm hoping to get a picture post in later this week and to tell a few of my own stories while Mike has been away, but here is a quick rundown!

  • I PR-ed in a Christmas 5k this weekend, which means I ran my fastest time in a 5k since senior year of college. 
  • I only have 3ish Christmas presents left to buy and wrap.
  • I tasted our coconut/almond cake this weekend and promptly ordered a bigger cake. (I believe it is the MOST delicious wedding cake I've ever tasted.)
  • I don't have my dress in hand yet and it's #notmyfault......
  • I'm a little crazed at the moment with odds and ends left to do before the wedding....
  • I went out with a group of my girl friends for a 10-course tiny-plate dinner in DC and it was pretty much the "coolest" thing I've ever done.
  • I went on a Michael's errand with Kelly this weekend to get craft supplies for a wedding craft and, let me just say now, that any friend who goes to Michael's with you on a Saturday 3 weekends before Christmas while it is raining cats and dogs is....the best friend ever. 
  • My roommate, Alex, and friend, Steph, are THE people you want in your inner circle if you are ever planning a celebration of any kind and if your fiance is gone. Previously mentioned 'craft' was fully completed in one morning by Alex and I'm in awe of those women.

Now we'll let Mike take it away!.....

"Rack Attack"

The names of everything have been changed to reflect their ship counterparts. This is to train us for being on ships, even though most of us will never be on a ship. A floor is a deck, a door is a hatch, a bedroom is a berthing, a bed is a rack, and so on. Unfitted sheets are issued for the racks, and you are expected to make your racks perfectly with 45 degree 'hospital corners' every day. What this means is that everyone sleeps on top of their sheets and tries to smooth them out in the morning. Our class team knows this. Occasionally after coming back from an activity, our racks will be 'tossed,' which means that we did not hold up our end of the bargain in the rack-making charade and so we must try again. One day all of our racks were tossed because some people left objects on their desks when they went to class. This is a big no-no, and we paid with our bodies and souls as chief made us alternate between penitent pushups and timed rack re-making. Our racks and berthings have been basically perfect since then.

All of this is to say that you may be expecting me to make a perfect bed when I get back. I can do that, but then no one is allowed to sleep in it. Just on top.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Vignettes from ODS (so you can feel like you're here) #1

The other night I told Mike that I felt I knew little about what his day-to-day at ODS is like and that I really want to be able to empathize with him and learn a little bit more about his new world. I guess I convinced him to share more with me because he has written me some little stories about his time there. There are so good that I can't believe he wrote them on his phone. Mike actually gave a speech to his division using the M&M metaphor and everyone loved the comparison. I hope you enjoy them:)

#1 The Sorting Hat 

In many ways, a no-nonsense female tailor with an impenetrable South Asian accent determines the level of respect that you will have as a naval officer, because she is the sole arbiter of all your uniform sizes. You are specifically instructed, in fact, that you are not to disagree with her or suggest any alternate sizings. She is the naval sorting hat, and she can tell you your suit size just by looking you up and down once.

When I arrived at her station to be fitted for my dress blues, there were four guys in front of me. One by one they would go up and she would wrap a tape measure around their waist. Then she would place her hands on their chests and pause thoughtfully before pronouncing her judgment. "Athletic," she said approvingly to the first guy in line. "Hmm... oh... athletic," she said to the second guy in line. "Definitely athletic," she said to the third guy in line. Then it was my turn. Her hands went up and she ran them across my pectoral muscles. There was no hesitation.


#2 The M&M's Clause Explanation of ODS

Most business majors and almost all law students eventually come across the story of the M&M's clause. A rock band on tour would put this clause into every contract that they signed. It demanded a bowl full of M&M's placed backstage with all the brown M&M's removed. If the band saw brown M&M's in this bowl, they would refuse to play. Though seemingly insane, the reasoning behind this requirement was that a venue which paid attention to the M&M's clause could be trusted to pay attention to the important clauses relating to the safety of the stage and equipment, whereas a venue without such attention to detail may screw up on the big things as well. 

The M&M's clause is the best way that I have to explain everything we have been doing since the start of ODS. There are multiple rules for shoelaces, for belt buckles, for room item placement, for greetings, for insignia placement, etc.... Any violation of these rules results in punishment- not of you, but of your entire team. No one wants to let down the team because it will result in the disappointment of the chief and in sweaty team pushups performed while screaming 'one team one family' as loud as possible. Most of the day is spent doing menial things but there is stress from constantly checking up on the rest of your team and being paranoid that someone among you has forgotten to pick out the last brown M&M in the bowl.