Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Poem for my Future Husband (and lots and lots of pictures)

Five days before the wedding, huh? You're probably thinking to yourself, "Kelsey is definitely freaking out." Well I am here to tell you that is not the case, oh no! I am extremely at peace for I have decided to channel all of my freaking out energy into writing my vows poetry. Don't ask me why. Don't question what is working for me. Just go with it.

"A Christmas Poem for my Future Husband"

I've made a list
I've checked it twice
You are naughty
I am nice

I've got my dress
My vows 'something blue' too
The one thing I need: 
You in your (dress) blues

In exactly 5 days
We'll tie the knot
So come back already!
I've saved you a spot 

(beside me)


Now on to the pictures!!!

Is there anything more adorable than a toddler all bundled for the winter? My bro-in-law is pretty cute to haha.

One of Ashton's presents from Mike and I (shh don't tell him). I had to ask a mom in Costco what a "2T" size meant. It means it's too big for Ashton now, but little Genius will grow into it:)

Took ALL self control not to buy Olaf from Costco.

The rings after they were all shined up by the jeweler! (Those are not my hands haha.)

Dinner out with the girls to celebrate the impending nuptials!

When I realized this was a restaurant of tiny plates, I had to take pictures of my ring beside some of the dishes for scale.

This didn't really help that much haha.

"The Kelsey" cocktail! Elderflower, champagne, rosemary, blueberry:)

FROZEN foie gras is the best!

Lobster soup.

Some sort of delicious earthy mushroom dish.

OMG dessert. On the far right is a homemade cinnamon marshmallow that puts anything else called marshmallow to shame.

A flight of desserts. My kind of place. 

With our waitress who we tried to convince to come out with us after.

The whole table (and Alex who accidentally got cropped out!)

My gift from Alex and Steph: my very own sailor outfit.

Remember when I told you I PR-d in my last 5k. Right behing me is the 12 year old I demolished by 1 second haha! The almost-28 year old in me rejoiced that I had not been bested by a pre-teen boy haha.

Note: Don't worry! The vows will get written!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm now going to expect poetry at all special family events! Yay:)!
