Friday, December 12, 2014

Vignettes from ODS #3

Work Hard, Stay Humble

The first two days felt like two weeks. Part of that was because I had a cold and couldn't sleep at all the first two nights- partially because of nasal congestion, partially because of the steel-toed boots pounding the hallways every hour on the hour, and partially because I am almost certain they pipe in creepy noises just to mess with us. Eventually, though, I became sleep-deprived enough to ignore all of those things, and ever since then sleeping on top of my perfectly made bed has been easy and extraordinarily comfortable.

The next week and a half felt like another three weeks or so. Then the next week actually felt like a week. I have a feeling that these last two weeks will feel like one week put together.

Our chief, who is the most inspirational man in the world, has drilled many phrases into our heads that will elicit kneejerk responses upon prompting far into the future. My favorite is 'work hard, stay humble.' It has been the favorite of previous classes as well, as the phrase is plastered on at least three giant murals lining the walls.
Sometimes it is difficult, when I'm missing home and just want to get back to my normal 'life,' to remember to make the most of each day here. I am certain that I will look back on ODS as a once in a lifetime experience and I don't want to take it for granted. Lots of people would pay for this experience, I'm sure. It wasn't long ago that I was almost certain I would never get the opportunity to be here training for a job that I have wanted since I actually sat down and learned what jobs were available to lawyers. There are many, I know, who desperately wish they could be here with us.

I don't have a clever stinger ending for this one. Just work hard, stay humble. It's a solid phrase.


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