Monday, July 29, 2013

I Miss Saturdays...

I worked the past two Saturdays and I'm generally too tired after waking up early to do anything fun later in the day (sidenote: when I work Saturdays, I get Mondays off which is how I'm able to blog now)....

But this Saturday, I had to rally because Mike and I had to attend a house-warming party for his friend Rachael later that evening. What better way to rally than with (home-made) cheese shop sandwiches, a 3-ish hour nap (yes this actually happened), and a cup of tea at 9pm?!

Roast beef, cheddar, house dressing, roasted tomatoes.

This + bread-ends = college staple. Mike got one of his work friends to bring us some from Williamsburg.
Rachael and her roommates were fabulous hostesses. There was an edible arrangement and seven-layer bars so, really, what more do you need? I also ran into my sorority sister Vida who is newly-married and it was great to catch up with her after not seeing her in forever. I got to shout her name across a crowded room of people and we were those people having an embarrassingly public reunion. I did not (as planned) have the opportunity to get Rachael to sign a form stating that she'll audition for Cabaret in the Fall, but there will always be ample opportunity to persuasion later.

The rest of the weekend was very low-key as needed. Mike and I are newly obsessed with The West Wing. When we're done, we're going to reserve an entire day to go around to as many locations in the city that are affiliated with the show as possible.

As far as this week goes, we have a new employee joining our team (lots of cross-training) and I have a Saturday to look forward to at the end of it!


  1. I'm glad I can count on you to make sure we can cast the fall show. :)

    1. I try to do what I can to contribute:) (outside of actual stage presence) Really excited to see how everything comes together too!

    2. I'm auditioning! I'm auditioning!

    3. I know!!! Don't worry, I had already planned on taking credit for finding you too.;) And you'll be here for good so soon!
